BANDUNG (August 17-18 2008),
MERDEKA!!!! Long weekend kemarin pegi ke Bandung sama temen2 begaul (Joko, Bendot, Romo, Pipi, Cici, Juned). Akhirnya... setelah lama pingin pegi keluar Jakarta kesampean juga. Jadi intinya lebih baik planningnya tidak matang. Just go with the flow. Yah... itung2 sekalian liburan. Walaupun dah sempet kbingungan mau nginep dimana, akhirnya kita dapet penginapan yang lumayan oke lah dan ada bbrp kejadian yg cukup "seru", e.g. that guy with Camry D 9 LO. Hahaha... let it be our secret... But... i think it is no longer a secret, since Pipi found that car at Andy's showroom, and... it belongs to Andy's bro. WOW.... what so coincidence, rite?
We met Aaron there and hanged out together. Very funny and just like old time... we had fun there. Tried some popular food sites and almost visited one of the spooky sites, Goa Belanda and Jepang. Huiii.....
It was quite a fun holiday, even though i was still struggling with my job there. Haha... how ironic... even others said: "Can u find another job, dude? We're on holiday." Yeah... it was very pathetic. And you know what... i'm thinking of looking for another job lah. I need life. I know sometimes it happens because of my mistake. I didn't manage my time well. But, once again.. did I ?? I don't think so. I managed them well. I believe that. But, things are coming and striking me with many problems that I can't avoid. But anyway... just let c lah. This is what i called as 'challenge' (really???).
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