Tak kuduga dari sebuah ide kecil yg terdengar "spele", tapi memberi hasil yg cukup menyentuh. Berawal dari kongkow tengah malem bersama Bendot and Joko, timbul keinginan untuk berbuat sesuatu yang baru dan yg penting lebih "bermakna." Charity… Gue gak sangka si Bendot, biar 'downline'-nya bejibun banyaknya, tapi masih aware dan care sama sesuatu yg seperti ini.
Basic idea: kita collect duit jajan and hang out kita, trus kita sumbang deh ke panti asuhan. But apparently, we are willing to do more (not only transfer some money). We managed to spend the money for foods, milk, medicine, etc. And surprisingly, banyak temen2 di luar bebsgaul yang juga aware dan care untuk hal2 spt ini. And you can guess, we can achieve double of our target, even more.
So, the charity had done successfully yesterday at Panti Asuhan Mekar Lestari, Serpong. Thanks to all involved and participated (actively or passively) in our charity, i.e. BebsGaul (Joko, Pipi, Bendot, Chi, Romo, Juned, Gouw) as steering committee, Erwin, Novi, Melisa, Jon, Fifi, Selvy, Florensius, Handry, Denny, Averdy, etc etc. Sorry to publish your names here. There are no certain intention, only a piece of my deepest gratitude to all the support.
We plan to continue this periodically. Hopefully, we can have our own flag someday.
Tuhan memberkati....
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