Saturday, November 14, 2009


For the 5th time, I had my cds yesterday morning.
Again... I've been faced with a dilemma.
On one side, if I think about this, I know it won't be enough if I stay here.
But on the other hand, my heart loves to be here.
To be honest, I don't know which side to choose now.
I'm almost 26 now. Still finding a way to survive from this tough life.
Still idealist, wants to learn so much from here, but I need to be paid more.
I have family... and won't abandon them for sure.

Speaking bout satisfaction, I'm not an ambitious man.
I am satisfied with what I got.
Of course I have target and put efforts to achieve it.
But, my trust to God is so high. I'm not worrying of my life at all.

However, whatever I've got, I thank God for everything He made in my life, so that I can be here.
Standing with pride and heads up, getting good and fair achievements, surrounding with extra-ordinary people, etc.
I feel I've been blessed, and I believe it is still and always be.

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