Friday, June 24, 2011

A little bit more

Well… like other amateur and undedicated bloggers, I do not consistently update and write in my blog. As I told in my first blog (back in 2008), I am not trying to be a pro blogger. This is not completely for sharing; it’s just my heart who’d like to tell and my fingers who’d like to type.

I surely have some topics in my head now and would like to share. Maybe first thing to write is about my brother who came back from Bali by end of May.

I guess he learned a lot from his training, and I always pray for him to have a great career in the future. I want him to learn from my experience. While you’re still very young, grab all the chance!!! That’s what I missed in my early career. However, it’s not a big regret though. I’m still grateful for what happen to me now.

I’m a bit relieved now as he is now having a job to complete his internship credits. So, he’s doing administrative thingy. And the good thing is he is paid. Though it’s quite low, I think that is also an advantage for him because he holds no title yet. Thank God for this.

In the beginning of April, in my early days in this new company, I feel a bit un-satisfied on what I’ve got. I think I deserve more. I never feel satisfied, until one time I happened to know the detail what everyone gets here. At that time, God opened my eyes, that we all have our own share. And my share is not bad. It’s fine. Now, it’s all about escalating myself into the highest level.

After 4 years, struggling with all of these, I’m about the end of my first responsibility as an eldest son: to support my bro and sis college fee. The following are to take care and being responsible for the whole family, and of course my family later.

Well, so I’m (almost) here… ;)

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