Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Best Birthday Gift

I'm officially 29 years old now. Not that old huh, but things go very fast, it feels like I just graduated from college yesterday.
Anyway, talking about birthday, means talking about gift. This year, I don't have anything to ask, actually. I have my family, now I have someone special beside me, get a new job. Well, I can't ask for more.
Last Sunday, I got a very bad thing in my body. At lunch time, we had lunch at BanJak seafood to celebrate my dad's birthday. Right after that, my mom, dad, and I went to LW just to hangout. Suddenly, I got a bad feeling. My head is turning around, it isn't like you got headache. It felt very light and I felt like I was going to fly around. I also got hard to breathe. It was like something hold my chest and lungs to breathe. I was frightened and decided to leave earlier and asked my dad to take me to the hospital. I was afraid there is something with my heart.
So, I got first aid. They helped me with oxygen so I could breathe normally and injected me with vitamin while they were observing my progress. Thank God, that was nothing serious, but I was still very worried about this.
On the next morning (Monday), I went to see internist to check it up. He suspected I got cholesterol, and suspected my blood viscosity is not normal. If so, then I potentially suffered from "jantung koroner." Wow... This really shocked me.
On Tuesday morning, I got blood checkup and found out that my cholesterol is quite high. Hence, doctor asked me to do diet and have a very good and quality rest. However, I still got hard to breathe until now. I think I worry too much on this.
Well.... After thinking it over and over again, I guess I take this "too serious" which makes me worry too much. Luckily, I have my family who supports me, I have my girlfriend who calms me down. And... I think this is one of God's way to always remind me of Him, makes me still close to Him. Because when I feel everything's okay, then I would have less things to wish for. I might forget that I still have to thank Him.
Therefore, I think God wants me to always remember Him and never stop praying to Him, Jesus Christ and Mother Mary. So, despite all the cost I have to pay, the blood I have to check, the time I have to spend, yes it is.... I think this is my best birthday gift ever. He still loves me, and he always will. I can feel it, though; through all people around me, through my family, my girlfriend, and of course myself.

Thank you, Lord... for the birthday gift.
I love You, Jesus and Mother Mary. 

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