Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Still Have Hope

It has been 3 years I've been fighting with my gastric problem. And it comes to last Tuesday night when I met a specialist that requires me to do several procedures, such as colonoscopy and endoscopy. Doctor suspects that there might be inflammation, polip or (the worst) tumor.

Juat listened to his explanation made me feel the butterflies in my stomach. I am scared.

I am now trying to encourage my self to be positive and be sure that everything is going to be okay. The result won't be the worst.

Ppfffttt... Regret (always) comes late. I can only hope for the best now.

Father in heaven, please help me through this. Allow me to fix all mistakes. I know You will not leave me and let me suffer. Allow me to make my family happy, especially my wife who loves me sincerely. Even just to think of her being so patient and thoughtful to me, has successfully made me cry in the bus hahahha...

Let me recover from this, God... please...

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