The only thing that I missed in this year’s birthday’s eve is... praying at 00:00AM. Was very tired… sorry.
For me, again, birthday is just a normal day, just like the other day. Things that are different is when you wake up in the morning and you got your phone got blasted with birthday greetings, because using messenger is more convenient nowadays.
However, though it’s just a little… I’m happy to say that I’m grateful for all things I have right now. Dissatisfaction is normal, but I can control it, and give more thanks to God for He has given me many things during 28 years of my life. As usual, lots of food in the pantry this morning. That shows how great my Lord is, on the other hand, that shows how grateful we are to celebrate and respect life itself. I’m happy if this can strengthen our family.
Birthday gift?
Only from my lovely Brother and Sister. They gave me wallet. Thanks guys!!!

But above all… big love from my family and friends is everything.
Hmmm… some usual wishes:
“I wish for a great career”
“I wish for health and wealth"
“I wish for a girlfriend and get married with her soon”
“I wish for bla bla bla bla….”
I think those are very common. But, beside those things…
I wish for happiness, steadiness inside my heart and my mind.
A peaceful mind and heart.
Away from hates and anger, away from vengeance and envy.
Ability to see things prudently, act maturely, and decide wisely.
Ability to see what can’t be seen, and feel what can’t be felt.
Thanks to…
My parents for always there when I need
My brother and sister for the gift and your will and persistence to fight for your study
My special bebsgaul friend for keeping this friendship is like forever
My old mates in my previous company
My office mate for the chocolate cake and last weekend’s escape in Lembang
All friends, colleagues, and relatives that I can mention one by one
And of course…. JESUS CHRIST and MOTHER MARY for always listening to my prayers