Friday, April 17, 2015

I am 31 y.o.

This is my first birthday with my wife. I precious every moment with her. So many things I have done over the last three decades. Now, I'm entering my fourth decade. 
I thank God for everything He has provided to me: this colorful life, lovely wife, tremendous family, wonderful friends, great jobs, etc. I am grateful for every single day He gives. Also a big thank you to my family and relatives who came for the dinner and celebrate together.
I know that I still have plenty to achieve in the future. I just hope God allows me to get them all, and of course according to His will. I also hope that this unfriendly sickness that happen to me so far will be gone soon. This has been disturbing me for two years. I know that I will survive and recover very soon. I just need to be patient. Fortunately, I have a wife who never stop encouraging me to survive and keep going.
Thanks for everything, God.
I can't ask for more.

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