| Steven | Steve | TLoR | TLuR | egg | Stip | iPenk | n'Tip | n'Dut | Stepen | Stevie | Delano | Kodut | Kobaw | mBuL
Monday, December 28, 2015
My Meaningful Christmas
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Got Slipped... and Trying to Get Back Up Higher
It is now very hard to face this as the peak looks so high right now. I can only cry myself and blame all the things that I did not do to make it all right from the early stage. There is only regret.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
I Think I'm Not That Good
At the moment, I think I put myself in a situation that I have to admit I'm not that good in doing my job.
Looking back into my previous post, I think I overrated myself. And now I realize I was wrong. After years been doing this and now I loose my grip and got trouble because I did not control it well. It was just one simple thing but I missed it. Now I have to figure out how to solve the problem.
On the other side, I think God just sent me a clear message for I have to work harder to achieve something. I've been to cocky along this time, and now I get the punishment.
God, please let me always smile to face this and every obstacles on my way to success. Let me realize that this is just one of the trial that I have to through.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
It is hard to not get upset
I just had one on one session with my boss. And the result is that I only meet expectation, not even exceeding. So, where the hell were my extra-miles stuffs over the last two years.
I don't really care actually. However, noticing that you are underrated without any clear justification is very painful to me. It is hard to accept.
Lucky, I have my wife who understands on the situation. And of course... I have God that knows me best. And I am sure He will show me the way.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Family Trip
Monday, August 3, 2015
Be Patient, Make Peace!!
Lately, my mind has been bothered by our chance to have a mortgage using my wife's entitled facility from her company she works at. The issue is on the appraisal. Somehow it went down to far from the proposed amount. Thus we have to add up quite much to get the house, which is quite difficult for us to afford it.
Few days ago, I woke up at 2:00 AM and hardly got back to sleep again. I was thinking about what went wrong with the process, were we proposing to high, anything that we can do to make it exactly what we wanted to, how could the appraiser be so stupid, can I bribe the appraiser, etc. My mind kept thinking about those questions for about half an hour. Until the time I realized and closed my eyes for couple minutes, I asked God and surrendered, I made peace with myself and situation. I was suddenly enlightened and conscious that I have to let go, I have to let God decides what is best for me, for us. If we are not moving there, then we already have a house too. So, what do I expect? I am not homeless though. I still have a house, a beautiful house. I am so possible to move there. In other view, maybe God doesn't allow me to have a big installment, He might have planned something bigger for us, so that we must prepare well. That's why I think I am greedy and thankless.
I was remembering couple things in the past which showed my impatience and unappreciative behavior. I therefore thought that this was the time for me to make peace to myself and situation, to let God's grace works upon us in order to lead us in making a decision for our future house. I kept saying that I let every thing happens on your will. However, when it came out of my will, I asked You a lot, I forgot that I already said otherwise. I am sorry.
After an enlightening one hour, I fell asleep again, and got up in the morning with smile. Thanks for guiding me, God. I am sure the time will come. I just have to wait and pray...
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Happy Birthday Hunny
I wish you a very happy birthday, my dear... I am sorry for not being romantic, because it is hard to do ;)
Flowers die, but trust me that this love will not ever.
God bless you Hun....
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
She Fell (literally)
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Sehat itu Mahal, dan Sangat Berharga
Katakanlah pasien A, beliau sepertinya habis operasi saraf or something. Umurnya sekitar 60an. Saya ga terlalu engeh karena mereka sepertinya berbahasa hokian.
Di seberang saya ini kayanya umurnya sekitar 40 tahun. Baru masuk berbarengan dengan saya kemarin. Singkatnya beliau ini dilarikan ke rumah sakit karena tiba-tiba pusing dan pandangan gelap. Ternyata beliau didiagnosa gejala stroke ringan, karena setelah di MRI ternyata ada beberapa titik sumbatan di pembuluh darah otak.
Yang satu lagi, sepertinya sudah di usia 60-70 tahun. Beliau sudah 9 hari di sini ditemani oleh pengasuh/perawat pribadinya. Beliau ini ternyata menderita stroke. Jadi pada dasarnya beliau ini sudah tidak mampu bergerak sendiri, tidak bisa bicara, singkatnya... tidak bisa beraktivitas sendiri. Bicaranya hanya menggumam dan tidak jelas sama sekali.
Saya cuma berpikir, kok segini gampangnya yah saya mengeluh dah menyerah. Dibandingkan mereka, saya masih jauh lebih sehat. Setelah beberapa hari di RS, saya mengamati mereka dan keluarga mereka. Ya benar... Sehat itu mahal. Bersyukurlah kalau kamu jarang atau tidak pernah ke dokter karena selalu sehat. Tapi yang pasti, sayangilah diri sendiri, dengan menjaga kesehatan badan dan rohani. Semoga kita semua disembuhkan. Amin.
Friday, April 17, 2015
I am 31 y.o.
I can't ask for more.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
I'm Afraid to Lose (Her)
And then, I go through the comments section and many commented and wished for her wife's healing. I wondered what is really going on. And when I found out what happened, it really shocked me. Her wife suffers a meningitis and until now she has been in the hospital for weeks. I am sad to hear that and I pray for the best for them. I wish she will be recovered soon, and I hope he and all family can be strong and never lose hopes.
This makes me think of my wife, and causes this feeling gets much deeper on her. After going through some precious moments in the past few years with her, I am really afraid to lose her at this point.
Yesterday, when I was driving to office, my wife was slept. And suddenly she got up and cried. I was very surprised. Later on she told me that she had a bad dream and described to me that she felt sleeping beside me in the car, but she could not get up and when she called at me, I did not listen.
This morning, I helped her to do her job and it came to a moment that she cried. She got overwhelmed. She felt in a huge pressure.
God, allow me to help her, equip me to calm her down. I don't want any bad things happen to her. Please, lead us away from the bad. Let this fire of love will remain flaming for the rest of our life.
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