Thursday, July 31, 2008

Novena (Day #2) and Gaul-ing on midweek holiday

Novena Selasa kemaren kayaknya lebih cepet tuh. cuman lebih ngantuk, secara gue lagi flu dan capek bener. sebelum mulai, ketemu thei-ku gue di luar. eh... langsung saja dia tanya: "eh... kamu mau minta apa sama Tuhan?? Pasti minta jodoh. biar papa-mama cepet nggendong cucu." Reaksi gue cuma: "BUSSETTT...... saya belom siap ngebrojolin anak orang thei-ku..." Dia bilang: "brojolin mah gampang... setelah "itu" yg susah" HAHAHAHA....... g gak abis pikir, sepupu gue aja rata2 pada married umur 25-30. kok gue dikejer2 mlulu ya...??? padahal masih 24 en menikmati hidup...

eniwei... kemarin khotbahnya cukup bagus kok. romo-nya meng-umpama-kan Yesus sebagai Air Hidup, sebagai "unsur" yang memberi kehidupan, jadi pegangan bagi banyak orang. Dan yang bagus... "air itu selalu lebih rendah dari daratan. kalau dia lebih tinggi dari daratan, dia akan meluap keluar, "membasahi" (=menghidupi) yang lain juga" Huehehehe.... gue lagi alim nih. jadi ngomonge ginian terus.

kemarin... tgl 30 Juli 08, pas libur midweek... gaul-ing again with the gaul-ers ke PP. makan pancious, kongkow, sampe ditegor karna kita nyapsa di pancious tanpa dosa. trus nonton di blitz tanpa tau apa yang akan ditonton sampe sumarso nanya ke orang lain di dalem studio. finally.... i was sleeping during the show... what a..... hhrrgggghhhh..... it was cartoon, named "Impy's island." Hahaha....

Dari PP trus ke TA ngambil golden puppy buat Joko... namanya siapa... eerrghh.... conan.. eh bukan... monty.. eh bukan.. pitung.. or apa gitu lah. yang pasti tuh puppy nengok2 aja klo dipanggil. kocak dah... after that dinner ke pluit, dan joko teteup... di dalem mobil gak mo ngelepasin si monty.. eh pitung.. conan.. eh siapa lah... so... Happy Puppy day...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Novena Besar St. Antonius dari Padua (day #1)

gue baru tau lo. ternyata ada novena lain selain novena tiga salam maria. di Gerja Hati Kudus, Kramat. Tiap hari Selasa. Untung si Erna bilangin gue. Bener2 beda novenanya. Sampe sono ada ruang intensi. ada list intensinya juga, spesifik pula. dari yang mau studi biar berhasil sampe dapet jodoh ada. nanti semuanya diitungin dan dibacain jumlahnya pas misa. Erwin juga ikut kok. Wiiihhh.... hahaha... mana duduknya agak ke depan. ngantuk deh tuh orang. gue juga ketemu kucong sama theiku, sama cucunya.

Hmm... mudah2an bisa ngaruh buat gue. let c for the next 9 weeks. i hope i won't miss any single day. and... hopefully, it can change my life.

Permohonan gue.... mmmhh....
1. Supaya.........

Marilah kita mohon...... Kabulkanlah doa kami, ya, Tuhan.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ordinary day - Jul 18

O, mama....
gile, dari pagi kemaren ampe malem kayaknya sumthin wrong with me deh. ampir tiap saat, tiap jam, kepala aing sempoyongan, mirip kayak lagi naik kapal laut, bahkan ini lebih eneg, tapi gak mo muntah.

um thinking about Prudential now. haha... ngejilat ludah sendiri akhirnya. rasanya penting juga tuh. kalo ada apa2 (amit2.. tok tok tok) jadi gak terlalu worry.

sebetulnya pingin istirahat total sih tiap weekend, tapi yg ada di pikiran gue pas tiap jumat kayak gini nih, bawaannya HANG OUT, bibeh!!!
tar pulang dari office (sama anak2 kantor) entah mau nonton dark night/red cliff, nge-pool di afterhour, ato chang ge di happup. haha....
trus besok, Ci Shianny's wedding. hmm... finally ya sis....
minggu chang ge lagiii.... waduh... cemana ini, berbahaya kalau anggota BEGAUL makin banyak, bisa kering ini dompet klo tiap minggu. but, anyway... enjoying life lah...

hahaha.... si joko apa2an sih. kocak juga. dia ngeblog lagu2 ciptaan dia yang notabene adalah semua pengalaman dia (mungkin). ga gue sangka lo, oom dakocan itu mellow abis. and... misterius.... duh.. pnasaran nih. cuman pipi yang tau kartunya. time will answer lah...

OK, then... i have a deadline now... continue later...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Journey to the "Last Island" (part 1)

"It's time to sail, my boy...
" That appeared in my mind few days ago. Hmmm.. I take it as challange. It happened when i was staring at my desktop pictures. It says: "These papers represent time as you may have realized it is passing, behave accordingly. I just wanted to remind you, Life is (very) short, Do it NOW....." and then bla bla bla... there are 4 more points
sounds pretty "serious" (hahahaha....)

So this is the story...

There is sailor (next will be known as 'sailor'). He lives in a very warm and happy island. It is just a small island, named Fam'e Island. It is not an island with gold or luxury, but this is island with full of love and warm. This makes him devote himself to protect this island.

Around this island, there are few islands. They are called Fran islands. Sailor visits those islands quite often. He finds it very friendly and welcome to him. He spends most of the weekends there and get back quite late. Other than these island, he also visits many beautiful islands along this time.

Until one day, he thinks of one island that has been dreamt of for years. He cannot understand why there is "that" island. Few years ago, he dreamt about this and reached an island that he thought is "that" island. Unfortunately, it was not like what in his dream, and he chose to leave that island and never look back. Now, he is still looking for that island, the Last island. He already sets all the things up to start the journey, but his responsibility to his own island is a bit holding him to stay and manage the island first. Many oppotunities has occured actually, but he cannot use it very well since he thinks that the island need him more than anything. That is why he abandons everything for that island as priority.

What will happen next??? ( be continued)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


dont know what um doing exactly right now....
i think this is weird... tell a story/anything of yourself and let everyone knows..
weird blogging... i dont even know how to use it

anyway.. talking bout me right now.. i only need to escape... escape from everything. i'm a good runner.... hehehe... but not sure if i can or not. feels like you're struggling with yourself for something that is not yours eventually.
But, i believe... this is worth it after all. Whatever it is, or how big it is... i know that there shall be achievements and something precious for me. And again... it is not about how luxury the reward is, but this is all about pride and love, eventhough you need to sacrifice everything you have and dream of. That is what "love" is all about, isn't it? Sacrifice and sacrifice... sounds stupid and pity. but once again, i believe.... This is called as "total devotion."

i heard a voice said: "When you're down to nothing, God is up to something...."
So... you better believe it. Although i'm still running and escaping... but now i realize that i have to slow down and stop hiding.