Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Just now, my boss announced the CDS result in Spire ID office. Erwin is promoted to Senior Manager, Adit is promoted to Manager, and Pooja is promoted to Assistant Manager. Well-deserved promotion, guys. We all can see that.

What about me?? I didn't even think a promotion. My heart is no longer here. I'm less-couraged. Things are different now.

Lesson learned: You are what you do. If you do like a cat, then you are cat and will always be. You can never be a tiger. But, if you do more than what you are now, then you can even beat the lion. That's how it goes, and will always be.

Well... Congratulation, guys!!! Wish you more success in the future.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Maafkan saya, yah!!!

Saya bener-bener ga punya maksud apa2 kok. Sungguh kamu benar2 wanita yg baik, lugu, cantik. Never in my mind will ever try to hurt your feelings, dear...

We had a good time last Friday night. Watched Harry Potter 7. I never thought that that would very hard for me to say I'm sorry. I can't love you, dear. I admit that I am interested in you, phisically. Makes me wanna tease (flirt) you all the way, but that's all my bad-side of a man.

I don't want a serious relationship with you. It's not only about our principle (religion), but also that "click" feelings inside me. I'm sorry if I don't feel it, dear. Our relationship doesn't "click" me. That's it...

You're such a beautiful, hot, charming, and very nice woman I've ever known. I hope you get what you want. Please forgive me, dear. Please slap me if it's relieving. I don't mind if you put me in your darkest place in your heart. That's because I deserve it.

Again... Sorry... I should've loved you, dear.

Friday, November 26, 2010

New Offer!!!

Got this offer from my friend in a bank. I'm thinking of taking this opportunity for my next career.
Passed the 1st step... 2 or 3 more to go.
Hope things are as my expectation. Help me God... to choose...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Puzzles in My Life

hint: You may use any helps, i.e. google, table of code, social network thingy, etc

So simple... You should know what this is.

..- -. --- .- -. -.. -- .- .. (hint: christopher colombus)
How many times I have girlfriend... and how many time(s) we made kiss(es)

51529 (hint: alt sqrt)
She... I have nothing to say...

LV (hint: purse)
She who always makes me guilty

This will be updated...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ow.. owwww.....

You play too deep... you're getting too far with her feelings.
Stop now, will you!!! No more flirting....
You are more than cruel if you don't stop this. She's very innocent.

Monday, November 22, 2010

cds -> onrop -> tepar

Kurang lebih flow-nya seperti itu sejak hari kamis kemarin.

cds - tetaplah bersyukur
Yah boleh dibilang minggu lalu itu waktu yang mungkin "ditunggu-tunggu" oleh banyak staff untuk berbagai hal, seperti: melakukan evaluasi terhadap hasil kerjanya selama enam bulan terakhir, berharap kenaikan gaji yang signifikan, berharap mendapat bonus yang bisa jadi tambahan di kala ekonomi semakin sulit seperti sekarang ini, atau pun sekedar ingin menumpahkan uneg-uneg selama bekerja.
Tapi buat saya, seperti biasa, lagi-lagi tidak memberikan suatu gejolak khusus. Selama proses tersebut saya cuma seperti biasa, men
yampaikan beberapa poin penting yang bi
sa saya sampaikan, beserta penilaian saya terhadap diri saya sendiri, dan pandangan saya terhadap perusahaan. And that was all... nothing more.
Promosi? Belum saatnya. Kenaikan gaji? Tidak signifikan. Bonus? Jangan ditanya deh. Walaupun begitu, tetap bersyukur sama Tuhan. Semua ini ada karena Dia.

onrop - toleransi di atas perbedaan
Sepanjang tanggal 13-21 Nov 2010, di TIM diadakan show ONROP! Musikal Theatre. Teater musikal yang digawangi oleh Joko Anwar - salah satu sutradara top Indonesia, diadakan dalam 2 sesi setiap harinya. Memang cukup mahal tiket masuknya (IDR 200k-550k). Tapi sungguh "worth it".
Kesederhanaan cerita mengenai Indonesia di tahun 2020, dengan mengangkat isu sosial, politik, dan moral, tersaji apik, cantik, lugas (bahkan vulgar -> tapi briliant), cerdas, dan menyentil. Sungguh mengajak kita untuk lebih peka terhadap masalah sosial di sekitar kita, yaitu perbedaan. Dan secara lugas, mengajak kita untuk menjunjung tinggi toleransi, karena perbedaan itu sendiri tak mungkin dihindari.
Angkat topi buat Joko Anwar dengan casts-nya yang penuh totalitas. Show ini memberikan warna tersendiri untuk perkembangan seni di Indonesia. Semoga lahir Joko Anwar - Joko Anwar baru di masa datang yang menjunjung tinggi toleransi di atas perbedaan.

tepar - semoga lekas sembuh
Akhirnya terkapar lagi. Batuk hebat, demam, flu, lemas, dll. Semua pekerjaan terkatung-katung. Kacau deh. Semoga lekas sembuh dalam beberapa hari ini.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

(a lil' bit) too much


I think I flirted a lil' bit too much. That was not a very nice of me. I went too far last night, guess that made a different perception rather than just a pre-sleep conversation. I was naughty.

I hope she didn't take this seriously. I really sorry for this, sweetie. Didn't mean to do that as something serious. I was just trying to have a light conversation before sleep. Sorry again....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm done...

What's wrong with me?? I feel like a fool. I know it's hard to fight for this feeling. Although part of my heart still has a strong feeling about her, the other part hates her so much. After all this time, now I'm sick of all of these.

I want myself to slowly throw away the feelings without taking her as enemy or someone I hate. I want a normal transition, but this is too extreme. In half part of my heart, the feeling goes stronger and stronger. Otherwise, on the other part, I feel sick and get tired of these, even worse I hate her so much. Reason?? I've no idea what brings me into this situation. My eyes don't want to see any pictures of her anymore, but not with my mind which always crafting her shape beautifully in my mind. Even hundreds in a day, I can't let her off my mind.

I'm releasing her of my mind now, and waiting for someone better to get in. Is this a final decission? I guess so... this is for my goodness. No more hopes, my lady. I hope this is a goodbye. Am I hopeless? Not at all. I'm logical... Welcome to the real world, Steve!!!