Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Just a day hahaha

Just a day we reconciled... 
And it is going on again...
Yeah it is really really hard...
She's just to tired and stressed out... 
As usual, I'm gonna just keep silent and let it go...
It is useless to argue and discuss in this kind of situation.. 

Monday, September 30, 2019


Hi Nong...

Thanks for the battle yesterday. 
Yes, we fought.. But I think that was a good fight. We almost lost, but eventually we both won it. Geez.. I knew marriage is not easy, but never thought it would be this hard. However, it ended happily.

As I told you, that I will fight my best for our marriage, for you, for Em, and for God. Cos marrying you is not about winning lottery, but I chose you to be your life partner, no matter what. And I hope you feel the same.

On our bad characters, I think we can try to adapt slowly. Cos I'm deadly sure we don't need therapy for this. It's all about communication. I am sorry for what I have done. I'll try to change it. So, whenever I forget if I do it again in the future, please alert me and don't keep it to yourself. We learned how hard and sh*t to keep everything ourselves. It's better to tell the truth from the beginning. Understand that truth hurts, but it's way better than fake it. 

Thanks for still caring me when I'm down and for always be there in any situation. I just want you to be more relax and chill. Don't get to rush cause you need a calming moment of yourself too. 

Thanks for the "fight" of our life hahaha... That was an early surprising yet beautiful anniversary present for us. Can't wait for the memorable years to come with you.

Your always stubborn, annoying, but more loving husband,


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Another Big Test

Been a while since I don't have any major issue on my health. Recently, I got trouble again in my colon. And yesterday, I just got my chest in pain and finally diagnosed with Calcification in my aorta. It's a heart disease.

I don't know what to say anymore. I feel terrible and crushed. Somehow I feel disappointed and sad. Why does all of this happen to me?

Things that bear in my mind are my two lovely person: my wife and my daughter. 

Lucky I have a wonderful and loving wife, a cute and cheerful daughter so that I can have the reason to fight for this. Not forgetting all the loving families around, my parents, siblings and in-laws. I just hope I'll survive and I can give more love to them.

God, please allow me to do so. 
I thank for everything happen in my life, everything... 
I beg you forgiveness and healing. 
I love you, God... 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jujur, aku takut...

Belakangan ini, gue ngerasa agak ga enak lagi perut gue. Bukan karna makin gendut juga sih, tapi emang rasa kedutan dan perih itu sering muncul di sekitar perut kiri bawah. Itu area usus, mungkin usus besar tepatnya.

Takut? Iya pastinya.. takut penyakit yg dulu dateng lagi. Moga2 aja gak lebih parah. Gue takut setengah mati. Penyakit ini memang nyerang psikis juga soalnya. Jadi, pikiran sering campur aduk dan nggak2.

Buat ngatasinnya, gue sering2 liat foto or video anak gue, istri gue, keluarga gue. Karna gue ngerasa itu bisa bikin gue lebib kuat. 

Semoga penyakitnya gak seberapa dan masih sangat bisa disembuhkan. Gue mao balik hidup sehat lagi. Capek begini terus. Kerja gak fokus, istirahat gak maksimal, serba ga enak deh.

"Tuhan... maafkan aku yang sering berdosa, kurang menghargai kehadiran dan sentuhanMu, kurang yakin atas kuasa dan kebesaranMu. Aku mohon dengan segala kerendahan hati dan ketidakberdayaanku ini supaya Engkau bersedia mengangkat segala penyakit ini dari tubuhku. 

Aku ingin menjadi lebih berarti bagi istriku, anakku, dan keluargaku. Aku janji untuk menjaga diriku dan kesehatanku jauh lebih baik lagi.

Kiranya Tuhan berkenan mendengar doa dan harapanku ini. Terima kasih Tuhan Allah Bapa yang Maha Besar. Amin"

Friday, January 25, 2019


Sekilas memang kedengerannya biasa aja sih. Tapi kalo memang bener itu yg gue alami (derita) selama ini, yah semoga ahli (dokter) nya bisa membantu gue keluar dari masalah ini. Sulit memang, tapi gue mesti survive.

Belakangan ini, mungkin setahun terakhir ini memang ada paradoks yang gue alami dalam kehidupan gue. Di satu sisi kebahagiaan luar biasa gue dapet dari anak gue. Tapi sisanya mungkin seakan-akan membebani. Gue rasa ini masalah komunikasi yang perlu gue selesaikan. Yah bukan sekedar komunikasi biasa, tapi ini advanced level of communication, yang menurut gue harus lebih banyak melibatkan understanding and open mind.

Seringkali dispute itu muncul karena masalah komunikasi. Mungkin memang selama ini secara kasat mata yah memang salah gue. Entah yang terkesan arogan atau nyeleneh. I think I haven't changed it, though. Jadi bukannya mestinya dari dulu uda tau, mestinya memang tau kan gaya bicara gue yah begini adanya. But for the sake of everything, I AM WHOLEHEARTEDLY WILLING TO CHANGE. So don't you ever doubt it again ya. If I sometimes forget, just knock my head so that I realize. Just trust me I'm willing to change... FULL STOP

I really really understand kalo dia memang banyak sekali masalah yg menimpanya selama ini. Terlebih masalah keluarganya. Gue sangat prihatin untuk itu dan gue siap membantu sekuat tenaga dan doa. Tidak hanya keluarga, tapi pekerjaan juga. Dan sebelnya kalo sifat2 "bossy" nya kebawa sampe ke rumah. That really reminds me of my annoying ex-boss. But I think she doesn't realize it.

Am I the one who really guilty in each dispute we had? I don't think so. But I would apologize if I was guilty. Because I believe that "sorry" will help healing the wound I made. On the contrary, pernah gak gue denger kata itu? Sepertinya gak pernah. Even my last conversation this morning where I explain to her to not make any jokes on my health condition where she thinks that it can be cured by her therapy way, there was no single "sorry" for it. She just said, "ok am no longer saying anything." Lha jadi maksudnya ga mao ngomong apa2 lagi? Kok jadi terkesan defensif yah. Ini pasti kalo gue argue langsung, kita langsung dispute lagi. Jadi gue mesti gimana ya?  Selama ini gue mengalah terus kok, I don’t mind untuk minta maaf, dan itu tulus, sumpah. Bahkan untuk setiap hal seperti pilihan karir, pilihan investasi, sampe cara mendidik/ merawat anak pun gue serahkan senyaman nya lah.

Can you imagine how i feel? Now I think I'm depressed. My mind keeps thinking that all my words were wrong and hurting her. I know what she would say if I told this, "I was just trying to help you to make you more calm an relax." Yah gue positif aja deh, mungkin dia gatau what type of help to be given for this situation, because she is not feeling the way I am. Lo percaya ga tiap maag gue kambuh, tiap kepala gue muter, badan sempoyongan dll yang ada di kepala gue adalah MATI. Gue ninggalin keluarga gue, istri gue, anak gue. Gue jadi gak berguna, ga bisa bantu istri gue, ga bisa nemenin anak gue bertumbuh dewasa, ga bisa ngasih yang terbaik untuk istri dll. Dan dia gatau gue selalu merasakan ini. Sumpah ini yang paling berat. Apakah gue suka punya kondisi kesehatan kayak gini? Sumpah KAGAK!!! Kalo orang bilang sehat itu harta paling berharga, gausa dibantah, itu bener. Malah gue pikir kalo misal gue sehat, sporty, gue yakin sekali karir gue bagus, kehidupan berkeluarga juga sehat. Tapi apakah gue terima dengan keadaan ini? Ya MESTI donk. Klo gak gue uda gila dari kapan tau deh. Jujur aja gue gak mao ada apa2 sama hubungan gue. Apakah gue takut? Iya pastinya. Dan gue lebih sangat takut akan kewajiban gue kepada Tuhan untuk menjaga pernikahan ini seumur hidup gue. Semoga kamu gak berpikir yang buruk tentang aku dan kita yah hun.

What do you call when a relationship (marriage) is no longer free to express or say something for brainstorming or discussion or even just expressing feelings/frustration with your love one? Now I have to really think of my words before speak. You know what, I really miss my old chat with my wife. All was fun, silly, childish but we could go with them without hard feelings. All seemed very light and warming. I do miss that feeling. Now, it is even easier to make a presentation in front of management. This is no longer healthy. Do we need holiday? Yes we do, but deeper than that we need a quality resolution.

I want to talk about this with her someday when things are not so heavy for us. Because I believe she can't accept this in current situation. She will feel that I am not thoughtful in her situation. Padahal sebaliknya, maybe she doesn't understand me either. You know what is the worst of depressed person? Most of them commit suicide. I am really really really afraid of this. Hun I’m sorry for this ya but we have to hold our hands tighter now and forever.

Now I hope I have depression, so I have a reason that I also need to be understood. Above all, I need help. I can only rely on God for this. I hope everything will be going well for us, for all of us.

Kenapa gue tulis disini? I have no idea who I need to talk about this to. The response I can describe when (maybe) she read this is "lho jadi gak percaya lagi untuk bisa bicara berdua aja? Jadi gak percaya lagi sama hubungan kita?" Semoga aja sebelom dia baca ini, kami sudah menemukan semua yang hilang itu. Jadi biarkanlah tulisan ini basi sebasi-basinya.

Semoga gue salah dan semoga Tuhan membukakan jalan agar kami bisa menemukan resolusi yang terbaik untuk kita semua. Dan tentunya, healthier marriage. Because I love my wife sooo much and I want to be by her side till death do us part. Don't doubt me on this ya, don't you ever!!

Tolong aku, Tuhan. Kalau memang ini yang namanya De Pre Si, bantu aku melewatinya Tuhan. Aku percaya kepada Mu. Amin.