Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm Sure I'm Okay

Following my previous post regarding my breathing problem, I was run to the hospital on Thursday evening. I was having dinner with my girlfriend at the mall, and I got hard to breathe, and suddenly got panic.

I don’t want to wait any longer, so she ran me to the hospital and took me to emergency unit. They helped me with oxygen and observed me. Several tests were done to find out what actually happened to me. They took photo on my thorax, took my blood for observing it further, and recorded my heart beat with ECG examination. And everything was just fine. But, I didn't want to take any risk. So, I decided to get hospitalized and registered to see cardiologist in the next morning.

The morning came, and I was visited and examined by the doctor. She said I looked fine. So, she offered me to do treadmill test to know how my heart reacts in stress/tired condition. The result was very fine. She said I have no issue with my heart. Oh my God, that was the most relieving things I've ever heard in my life.

Another test was done to check my abdomen. I got some issues inside my stomach, got a bit gastritis, and fatty liver. That means, I have to work out immediately to lower my cholesterol.

After that, I consulted everything with the doctor. She took some time to observe me further about my breathing problem, because I still got hard to breathe. And, she came with a conclusion that I got Hyperventilation Syndrome. That condition enables me to get hard to breathe, and easily drive me panic and worry too much. She said, this is a psychological condition which has no specific medication. This was caused by over-stressed and over-thinking. Hence, the only therapy is using a paper bag to balance the O2 and CO2 in my brain.

Well, I’m in a medication now. But, I’m sure I’m okay and will be okay. I just need to have a good rest, start to work out and enjoy my life. Thanks God I’m fine. I hope this gets better.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Best Birthday Gift

I'm officially 29 years old now. Not that old huh, but things go very fast, it feels like I just graduated from college yesterday.
Anyway, talking about birthday, means talking about gift. This year, I don't have anything to ask, actually. I have my family, now I have someone special beside me, get a new job. Well, I can't ask for more.
Last Sunday, I got a very bad thing in my body. At lunch time, we had lunch at BanJak seafood to celebrate my dad's birthday. Right after that, my mom, dad, and I went to LW just to hangout. Suddenly, I got a bad feeling. My head is turning around, it isn't like you got headache. It felt very light and I felt like I was going to fly around. I also got hard to breathe. It was like something hold my chest and lungs to breathe. I was frightened and decided to leave earlier and asked my dad to take me to the hospital. I was afraid there is something with my heart.
So, I got first aid. They helped me with oxygen so I could breathe normally and injected me with vitamin while they were observing my progress. Thank God, that was nothing serious, but I was still very worried about this.
On the next morning (Monday), I went to see internist to check it up. He suspected I got cholesterol, and suspected my blood viscosity is not normal. If so, then I potentially suffered from "jantung koroner." Wow... This really shocked me.
On Tuesday morning, I got blood checkup and found out that my cholesterol is quite high. Hence, doctor asked me to do diet and have a very good and quality rest. However, I still got hard to breathe until now. I think I worry too much on this.
Well.... After thinking it over and over again, I guess I take this "too serious" which makes me worry too much. Luckily, I have my family who supports me, I have my girlfriend who calms me down. And... I think this is one of God's way to always remind me of Him, makes me still close to Him. Because when I feel everything's okay, then I would have less things to wish for. I might forget that I still have to thank Him.
Therefore, I think God wants me to always remember Him and never stop praying to Him, Jesus Christ and Mother Mary. So, despite all the cost I have to pay, the blood I have to check, the time I have to spend, yes it is.... I think this is my best birthday gift ever. He still loves me, and he always will. I can feel it, though; through all people around me, through my family, my girlfriend, and of course myself.

Thank you, Lord... for the birthday gift.
I love You, Jesus and Mother Mary.